Rinsing - Download/install APKFile

Currently the Android App is not displayed in the Playstore, because it is being revised.
You can still download the current version here.

Download app (APK-File)

Install APK-File

Adjustment of security settings

The following settings have to be adjusted on your Android device so that you have the permission to install APK files.

  1. Go to the "Settings" of your Android operating system.
  2. Under "General" you will find the menu item "Security" and open it.
  3. Here you will find the option "Unknown source" / "Unknown sources", this must be activated. Now you should be able to install the APK files or apps that are not from the Playstore.

You can now proceed with the installation as follows, if the above settings have been made.

  1. Download the APK file to your smartphone first. (If you saved the file to your computer, you can transfer it to your device using a USB cable.
  2. lick / tap on the APK file to start the installation. The file can be found in the download area of ​​your smartphone.
  3. After confirming the installation, the app will be installed on your device.